"Our Habitat Volunteers were the backbone of our builds this last year in Indian River at the two job sites on Will Drive. We would not have been able to build these two houses without their help. Our Volunteers were often assigned positions on the job sites of all natures and occasionally asked to handle tasks they had no experience in. They all managed to do an excellent job even though very few of them have been on a house build before. They would show up everyday ready to work and excited to be there. They understood what they were there for – to help in any means necessary. Their role often was not defined, before they showed up at the site, which means they really had no expectations for the day other than to take on whatever challenge needed to be done.
I would also say that our volunteers were always passionate about their work. Having people around that are passionate about what they are working on increased positivity on our job site environment. This had a positive impact on many other facets of our operations. For instance we had a fun job site that was productive as a result more volunteers came to help. The gift that our volunteers gave to our job sites this past year. By showing up, even on the hottest of days, has helped us greatly with our mission of supplying safe affordable housing to people who need it. To our volunteers, I salute you!” -Ron Hart, Construction Supervisor
"Over the past few weeks, we have decided to take some of the furniture items that were not in great shape and turn them into repurposed paint projects for staff & volunteers. Going through the process of prepping, base coating, painting and sealing has been a learning experience, as I have never worked with chalk paint before. It’s very interesting to learn all the different things you can do with Dixie Belle’s selection of products and it’s amazing to see your vision of what something should look like come to life!
There are so many varieties of colors it can be difficult to pick just one. The metallic chalk paint colors are super pretty as well! I recently purchased a hutch that I’m going to repurpose with the Lucky Lavender chalk paint, I’m excited to see how it turns out! I definitely recommend anyone who enjoys repurposing furniture to stop into the ReStore, you never know what you could find! We are currently repurposing an armoire and turning it into a coffee bar; painting it a coffee bean red on the exterior and a subtle tan on the interior, I’m very excited to see the end result! It’s amazing what something could be turned into! Repurposing not only makes something look better but it also saves it from going into the landfill. Millions of furniture items tend to end up in the landfill because they are “old” or “out dated,” repurposing can turn something that looks “out of style” to something that is more “modern day”." -Anna Ellis, Sales Associate
"Even though I work in the administrative office for our Habitat affiliate, I sometimes wander into our
ReStore to help or to see the customers that come in. One of the best parts is seeing all the local people that I know come in to shop and see what they can find in the ReStore. Sometimes helping out in the ReStore gives me the opportunity to see what we have to offer because otherwise I don’t get the chance! I see so many DIY projects that are possible with our furniture and the Dixie Belle paint (though I never seem to pull the trigger to do them), but I still get so many ideas! Recently I purchased a small white bookshelf for my kids, that I plan on painting with some of the cool colors that we offer from Dixie Belle. When I see what one of our volunteers can do when she repurposes stools, benches, etc., it gives me so much inspiration! That is one of the best things about thrift shopping, all the different possibilities of repurposing and making something that used to be someone else’s into something for yourself! You never know what you can find in our ReStore and every time we get something new, I can’t wait to see what it might be!" -Hailey Jeter, Program Services Coordinator |
AuthorMandy Martin, Executive Director & Team Archives
October 2024
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